My Calls
Designed to help solve today’s communications challenge
At NEC, our Job 1 is understanding your needs, your infrastructure and your preferences, including what communications solution components to deploy and where to deploy them—on premise, in the cloud, or both.
Transform to a Hybrid Infrastructure
NEC flexible UNIVERGE architectures ensures that you get the exact unified communications and collaboration (UCC) solution you need to maximize your ROI while addressing your key challenges and business objectives.
UNIVERGE is NEC’s IP architecture for unifying multimedia networks while enabling robust business applications. UNIVERGE solutions integrate products, applications and services in a multi-vendor environment to deliver IP-based solutions that address the critical needs of businesses today.
Lower your Total Cost of Ownwership
Pure IP, TDM, voice, video and data through wired or wireless communications. NEC offers communications servers that will support an organization’s objectives no matter the size or how employees wish to communicate with customers or one another.
In business, as in nature, no two clouds are identical. Fortunately, there’s a whole continuum of deployment options available to fit your goals and your budget, whether you’re looking to move your applications into the public cloud, build your own private cloud or create a hybrid between the two. The choice is yours. Go on premise. Go cloud. Go Hybrid.

Learn more about Enterprise Platforms
Let us know how to reach you. The NEC Team will be in touch shortly.
+263 (4) 486 536-45