Emegerncy Notification
Integrated Messaging Solution for Healthcare and Hospitality
As in many industry sectors, the number of IT systems in Hospitality and Healthcare increases every year. Every additional application delivers its own set of information, reports, notifications and alarms.
Presenting information at the right time
Specifically for alarms and notifications, the challenge is how to present all this information in the right format at the right time to the right persons. In a hotel this could relate to the replacement of a malfunctioning remote control within an acceptable time, in a hospital this could mean sending the right medical staff to the right location at the push of an emergency button.
As a consequence a timely response to patients and hotel guests in critical events will get more difficult every day. Present day requirements call for an integrated messaging solution supporting alarm notification, emergency calls, localization, mobilization and evacuation, thus enhancing staff, guest and patient safety and service levels.
NEC’s Integrated messaging solution delivers
- Powerful escalation scripting
- Full integration with NEC IP platforms and IP DECT
- Fits into various vertical messaging and alarming scenarios
- Locate staff and patients
- Business Process Integration

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+263 (4) 486 536-45